PVR (Petrolvalves Romania) as exclusive representative of Italian producer API SpA ITALY and Screening Technologies ITALY – offers hydro mechanical equipment with applications in clean and waste water management, hydroelectric, updates in the land; In collaboration with other producers in Europe offers industrial valves and line elements with applications in the energy industry as well as oil and gas.
Our services are not limited to supplying equipment, but include both post-sale services (technical assistance and fast solutions to specific problems), as well as providing spare parts during the warranty period, post-warranty services, as well as planned revisions due to specific needs. These services are facilitated by the relatively small distance between customers and manufacturers because all manufacturers are located in Europe.
API Screening Technologies 
API S.p.A. company is manufacturing for over 60 years specialized equipment for the hydro energy, updates in the land , updates for cleaning and filtering water and waste water treatment in wastewater treatment plants. Among the equipment manufactured by API we find: grills; cleaning machines for automated and manual grills; rotary filters; band filters; conveyors; flat valves; level sensors; vane segment; float valves and other special valves. The entire range of equipment designed and manufactured can resolve any issues regarding filtration, purification and distribution of water, paying a primordial attention to environment protection and energy saving. API equipment are safe and functional being tested in many installations worldwide and guaranteed by tens of thousands of hours of operation in all weather conditions. This is the result of API’s technical/production policy that privileges the quality of the equipment instead of the quantity. API’s equipment is constantly improved in respect to the last technical standards and the technological progress. This is the order to obtain a better performance and to satisfy the demand for higher requirements. API’s activity is not limited to the manufacturing of equipment, but guarantees the long lasting and the performance of its equipment that will work for many years to come. API provides after-sale service and maintenance programs. API’s experience and dedication are the key to the client satisfaction and therefore API is an ideal partner for consulting engineers, public authority and end users. Some of API’s clients include: ENEL GREEN POWER S.p.A., EDISON S.p.A., SONDEL S.p.A., COVEL IDROELECTRICA, CO-VER ENERGIA S.R.L., W.T.T. WATER TREATMENT TECHNOGOLY, and B.T.B ELETTROIDRAULICA S.R.L and others.